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Contact naps, a term that has gained popularity among new parents and caregivers, refer to the practice of allowing a newborn or infant to nap while maintaining physical contact with an adult, typically by lying on the adult’s chest or being held in their arms. This practice is distinct from co-sleeping, which involves sharing a sleeping surface without necessarily involving direct physical contact. This article delves into the meaning, benefits, statistics, importance, and safety strategies associated with contact napping, drawing on evidence from journal articles and expert recommendations.

Meaning and Definition

Contact napping is defined as the practice where a baby sleeps in direct contact with a caregiver, often involving skin-to-skin contact. Unlike co-sleeping, contact napping explicitly requires the caregiver to be awake, ensuring the baby’s safety and fostering a unique bonding experience[1][2].


For the Baby

  1. Emotional Security and Bonding: Contact naps promote a sense of security and comfort in infants, mimicking the closeness of the womb. This physical closeness releases oxytocin in both the baby and the caregiver, enhancing emotional bonding[1][2][19].
  2. Regulation of Physiological Functions: Studies have shown that contact napping can help regulate the baby’s heart rate, breathing, and body temperature. It also aids in weight gain and supports breastfeeding success[1][19].
  3. Improved Sleep Quality: Infants who engage in contact napping often experience deeper and more restful sleep. The warmth and heartbeat of the caregiver provide a soothing environment that can reduce crying and fussiness[11][19].

For the Parent

  1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The act of contact napping can lower cortisol levels and increase oxytocin levels in parents, leading to reduced stress and anxiety[1][19].
  2. Enhanced Parent-Infant Attachment: The physical closeness during contact naps strengthens the emotional bond between the parent and the infant, fostering a sense of attachment and connection[1][19].


While specific statistics on the prevalence of contact napping are limited, the practice is widely endorsed by pediatricians and parenting experts as part of a healthy infant-caregiver relationship. Surveys and anecdotal evidence suggest that a significant number of parents engage in contact napping to soothe and bond with their infants[1][2].


Contact napping is important for several reasons:

  1. Supports Early Development: The emotional and physiological benefits of contact napping contribute to the infant’s cognitive, social, and emotional development[1][2].
  2. Promotes Breastfeeding Success: The close physical contact during naps can facilitate breastfeeding by promoting milk production and making it easier for the baby to latch[1].
  3. Facilitates Transition to Independent Sleep: By providing a secure and comforting environment, contact napping can ease the transition to independent sleep in a crib or bassinet[1][2].

Safety Strategies and Protocols

While contact napping offers numerous benefits, it is crucial to follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents:

  1. Stay Awake: The caregiver must remain awake during contact naps to monitor the baby’s position and ensure their airway remains clear[1][19].
  2. Safe Positioning: The baby should be positioned on their back on the caregiver’s chest, ensuring that their face is not covered and their chin is not pressed against their chest[1][19].
  3. Avoid Overheating: Caregivers should be mindful of the baby’s clothing and the room temperature to prevent overheating[19].
  4. Transition to Safe Sleep Space: If the caregiver feels sleepy, the baby should be gently transferred to a safe sleep space, such as a crib or bassinet, that adheres to safe sleep guidelines[19].

In conclusion, contact napping is a nurturing practice that supports the infant’s development and strengthens the caregiver-infant bond. By adhering to safety protocols, caregivers can ensure that contact naps are a safe and beneficial part of their infant’s daily routine.

[1] https://www.happiestbaby.com/blogs/baby/contact-naps
[2] https://www.mysweetsleeper.com/newborninfantblog/what-is-contact-napping-and-why-is-it-important
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5851571/
[4] https://www.mother.ly/parenting/baby-sleep-tips/guide-for-contact-naps/
[5] https://www.wellrestedweeones.com/contact-naps-tips-and-how-to-stop-contact-napping/
[6] https://takingcarababies.com/contact-naps
[7] https://sleepoutcurtains.com/blogs/home/benefits-and-cautions-when-contact-napping-with-your-baby
[8] https://parentdata.org/wins-woes-and-contact-naps/
[9] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7502223/
[10] https://www.babysleepdr.com/blog/Contact-Naps-Are-They-Good-or-Bad
[11] https://completelybaby.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-contact-napping/
[12] https://neurosciencenews.com/napping-cognition-neurodevelopment-23716/
[13] https://intuitiveparentingdc.com/blog/2021/7/9/lets-talk-contact-naps
[14] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0163638321001302
[15] https://thepeacefulsleeper.com/contact-naps/
[16] https://www.reddit.com/r/NewParents/comments/14pzxac/when_did_your_contact_napping_baby_start_napping/?rdt=39801
[17] https://www.wonderbaby.org/articles/contact-napping
[18] https://intuitiveparentingdc.com/blog/2018/7/6/developmentally-appropriate-sleep-expectations-birth-to-age-5
[19] https://www.heavensentsleep.com/blog/benefits-of-contact-napping
[20] https://babysleepconsultant.co/blogs/news/the-rise-of-the-contact-nap

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