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The Stages to Walking: Developmental Milestones and Strategies for Infants

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Walking is a significant milestone in an infant’s development, marking a transition towards greater independence and exploration of the environment. This complex skill is the culmination of several preceding developmental stages, each building upon the last to facilitate the acquisition of walking. Understanding these stages and implementing targeted strategies can support infants in achieving this milestone. This article outlines the stages leading to walking, including rolling, crawling, sitting, standing, and walking, and provides evidence-based strategies for each stage, including the recommended age to start practicing.


Developmental Mileage

Rolling typically begins around 4 months of age. It is the first significant motor milestone that contributes to the development of walking, as it strengthens the muscles necessary for later stages[19].

Strategies for Encouragement

  • Tummy Time: Encourage daily tummy time from birth to strengthen neck, back, and shoulder muscles[19].
  • Engaging Toys: Use toys to motivate the infant to roll over, placing them just out of reach[19].


Developmental Mileage

Crawling usually emerges between 6 to 10 months. This stage further develops muscle strength and coordination, essential for walking[17].

Strategies for Encouragement

  • Floor Play: Ensure ample safe, open space for the infant to explore and practice crawling[10].
  • Obstacle Courses: Create simple obstacle courses with pillows and soft toys to encourage movement and problem-solving[10].


Developmental Mileage

Infants typically begin to sit independently around 6 to 8 months. Sitting up without support is crucial for developing balance and trunk stability for walking[19].

Strategies for Encouragement

  • Supported Sitting: Start with supported sitting, gradually reducing support as the infant gains strength[19].
  • Interactive Play: Engage in interactive play activities while the infant is sitting to improve balance and muscle strength[19].


Developmental Mileage

Standing with support may start as early as 9 months, with independent standing usually developing around 12 months. This stage is vital for developing leg strength and balance[19].

Strategies for Encouragement

  • Furniture Cruising: Encourage the infant to pull up to stand using stable furniture and to “cruise” along it[19].
  • Assisted Standing: Hold the infant in a standing position, gradually reducing support as they become more stable[14].


Developmental Mileage

Walking independently typically occurs between 12 to 15 months. This final stage integrates the skills developed in the previous stages[6].

Strategies for Encouragement

  • Push Toys: Use push toys to encourage walking by providing support and motivation to move forward[7].
  • Safe Environment: Ensure the walking environment is safe and supportive, with soft surfaces and minimal obstacles[7].


The journey to walking involves a series of interconnected developmental stages, each contributing essential skills and strengths required for the next. By understanding these stages and employing targeted strategies, caregivers can effectively support infants in their developmental journey towards walking. It is important to remember that while the ages provided offer a general guideline, individual variation is normal, and each infant will progress at their own pace. Encouragement, engagement, and a safe environment are key to facilitating this natural developmental progression.


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